Teaching Resources

I. I help coordinate a professional development collaborative (PDC) at my institution called Creative Pedagogy, in which we read books about teaching creatively and impactfully and discuss. This group is made up of faculty from many fields and backgrounds, as well as staff. Below is a list of books we have read in the past 5 years; elsewhere on this site are blogs about my impressions of each book and the ideas/assignments I borrowed from each.
How College Works by Chambliss and Takacs
Intersectionality and Higher Education by Byrd, et. al
Collaborative Learning Techniques by Major, Barkley, and Cross
What the Best College Teachers Do by Bain
Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom by Hogan and Sathy

II. Tea for Teaching: I was asked to appear on this podcast with my coauthor, Kristina M.W. Mitchell, to discuss how graduate programs could do better to prepare future faculty for teaching.